A vote for Laura Norton is a vote for resident interests and I'm back to give you a chance to make that choice this May . My priorities are quality water, slowing our sinking, flood mitigation for neighborhoods - especially in back of MUD 47 that abut new development.
When I previously served on MUD 47 I was a strong advocate for smart meters and am proud we got them installed. Today the issue is still replacement and renewal of our aging infrastructure. I think it's important to maintain our high quality water and waste treatment system.
In November of 2021 the voters of The Woodlands said "no" to incorporation. That kept the 11 MUDs, with their power to issue bonds, intact. MUDs serve an important role - that of delivering clean drinking water and treating waste but they also have the power, as we've recently been reminded, to pay for the destruction of trees on the island in the middle of Lake Woodlands. This "eagle island" MUD 60 project is just another example of what happens when residents don't take control.
MUD 60 is paying for the engineering on that project so that new homes there can be sold more cheaply.
I think it's time that residents take control of the MUDs they live in. The Woodlands is a great community and we need to keep it great, keep the trees, and keep our land surface elevation!
It's key for MUD 47 to work towards zero debt. Right now we have over 4 million dollars in bond proceeds on our balance sheet - our MUD benefits from higher interest rates but that's not what our government is here to do. We need to get that money back to residents.
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